Fashion Social Psychology and Aesthetics 時尚社會心理與美學

Course ID: G436122177

Course Title: Fashion Social Psychology and Aesthetics

Instructor Name: CHENG, CHING-YI 鄭靜宜

Credit: 3

Course Type: Elective

Session: Mon./D5-D7

Classroom: TC204

Course Objective: 

1. Explore concepts and theories from the fields of aesthetics, sociology, psychology, semiotics, and communication that provide potential frameworks for research of fashion.
2. Analyze the various conceptual frameworks in fashion research. Synthesize and find relationships among various concepts and theoretical approaches.
3. Generate research questions about fashion related to concepts and theories discussed in class. Consider how to approach the same problems from multiple perspectives.
4. Apply the concepts, theories and methods discussed in class to develop research topic(s) related to aesthetic and social psychology of fashion.
5. Understand how aesthetics and social-psychology related knowledge and skills contribute to textile and apparel careers. Apply aesthetics and social-psychology to profession-based fashion activities.

Course Outline: