Lifestyle Fashion and Aesthetics 生活時尚與美學

Course ID: G0R6035949

Course Title: Lifestyle Fashion and Aesthetics 

Instructor Name: CHENG, CHING-YI 鄭靜宜

Credit: 3

Course Type: Elective

Session: Tue./ D5-D7

Classroom: TC513

Course Objective: 

1. Explore the aesthetic concepts and theories in Chinese and Western cultures.
2. Develop and employ a vocabulary of aesthetics concepts and theories to understand lifestyle and fashion.
3. Develop an understanding of aesthetics and its application to lifestyle fashion products and environments for the consumer.
4. Understand socio-cultural and psychological factors of the consumer that influence lifestyle, fashion consumption and aesthetic preferences.
5. Apply multisensory elements and principles of design to the development and analysis of lifestyle, fashion designers, brands, products, environment and consumers.
6. Understand how aesthetics related skills contribute to fashion careers. Apply aesthetics to lifestyle fashion profession-based activities.

Course Outline: